Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Newtons "60 Days of Better"

OK, I've been fascinated with these Newton shoes. At the same time, I've been hesitant to try them out because my feet are just so screwy. I didn't want to spend nearly $200 on a pair of shoes and end up hating them. So, when I saw that Newton was offering a 60 day test drive on their shoes, with no hassle, no questions asked returns, I decided to jump on it.

$180 later, I was the proud owner of Newton Motion (Motus) shoes.
My first run was only a mile. It was a busy day and I was trying to squeeze in a run in between errands. That mile was tough, and I found that my calves and thighs hurt more than usual, but chalked that up to using different muscles.

Today, I ran 3.1 miles with the local shoe store group. In fact, it was the store I bought my Newtons from. Anyway...first mile was OK.My the second mile, my knees were hurting. By the time I got to 3 miles, I was heel striking. That's been an ongoing issue with me, to the point where I developed plantar fasciitis back in April when training for my half, and it hasn't gotten any better.
By the time I made it back to the store, my right heel, and top of the foot was hurting.

I'm not sure how much longer I will give these shoes, honestly. I have 4 races, including a half marathon coming up in the next 6 weeks, and I'm worried I wont be able to do it with these shoes.

Plus, if I'm gonna heel strike anyway, I can do that with a pair of $100 Brooks.